Screenshot with time tracker and study statistics

Study like never before

Track your time, boost your productivity and ace your university exams with no stress

All. In. One.

How many times have you thought "If only I had one more day"?

With StudyBuddy, you eliminate difficulties with focusing, planning and procrastination.

All on one platform.

Study Scheme

What will you find?

Time Tracker

Track your time and stay focused with our gamified system, specifically designed for students' needs. Like the Pomodoro Technique, but better.

Pomodoro Timer with gamification

Study Statistics

Monitor your progress and gain insights into your study habits. Visualize productivity patterns, identify peak performance times, and make data-driven decisions to improve your study routine.

Study Statistics

Your own Space

Set up your focus space according to your tastes. Choose background, colors and sounds to bring you into the flow state in a matter of seconds.

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Study Buddies

What People Say

“Very clear and quick to use, no ads or anything, perfect for studying!”


- Piergiorgio, Law

“Easy to use, engaging, and user-friendly”


- Elia, Engineering

“I love that I can use the videos I usually watch while studying as a background."


- Alicia, Linguistics

“I love the aesthetic, I always use it to study, can’t wait for new features!”


- Luisa, Psychology

“Well done, super useful, and efficient. Great job!”


- Mirko, Medicine

"It's so cool that I can set up my personal study space.”


- Giulia, Economics

“Versatile product, perfect not only for studying but also for tracking time spent on work and personal activities.”


- Diletta, Computer Science, PhD student

“It has helped me stay focused and increase my productivity. The score system is addictive!”


- Alessandro, Physics, PhD student

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